Lisa Luther
Food Services Supervisor
Phone: 925.809.7532
Fax: 925.634.5120
It's not always easy to fill a lunch box or pay for a school meal but Senate Bill 265 ensures that our students will always be fed.
Now you can help by donating to the "Nourish Your Neighbor" fund which will help to cover unpaid student meal account balances at the end of the school year.
Per SB 265, the district is required to pay off any outstanding negative meal account balances at the end of each school year and with our negative balance at around -$2000.00 DAILY, this could significantly impact other district programs.
Donations are tax deductible and can be made by check or cash to your school office, cafeteria or the district office. Please make checks out to "BUSD Nourish Your Neighbor."
Food and Nutrition
- Monthly Menus -
Discovery Bay | Timber Point | Excelsior Middle |
TK: 11:30 - 12:05 | TK: 11:25 -12:00 | 12:16 -12:51 |
Kinder: 11:30 - 12:05 | Kinder - 1st: 11:25 -12:00 | |
1st - 3rd: 12:05 - 12:40 | 2nd - 3rd: 12:05 - 12:40 | |
4th - 5th: 12:40 - 1:15 | 4th - 5th: 12:40 1:15 |
Sign up for Cafeteria Remind Messages!
Text @tpcafe or @dbcafe or @emscafe to 81010
Now Serving FREE Breakfast and Lunch to ALL Students, Everyday at all School Sites.
Byron USD will also now be offering a second change breakfast at our Elementary Schools. Breakfast will be offered at recess time as well as before school every day except for minimum days. On minimum days breakfast will be offered before school only.
Confidential Household Income Form
ALL families are asked to fill out the Confidential Household Income Form
(formerly called the Meal Application) each year as apart of the registration/enrollment process.
The Confidential Household income Form can help students to secure benefits, if eligible, like:
Additional School Funding for programs and services
Transportation; bus passes or free school busing
Discounted Rates on Home Internet Service
Discounted Rates on Home Utilities
Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT)
You have questions? We have answers ...
Do I need to complete a separate application for each student I have in the district? No. You can add them all to the online application at the same time. This is also true if you choose to complete a paper application. One household = one application
How do I know if I will qualify? The first step in the online application includes a chart of the current USDA income eligibility scales. If you are not at or below the threshold depending on the size of your household, simply check the box that says "I don't qualify." REMEMBER: You can apply for meal benefits AT ANY TIME DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR.
My child was eligible last year, or in a previous school district, do I need to complete another application? Yes. Your household application is only for that school year and for the first 30 days of the new school year. Unless you receive documentation from the district that indicates that your child has been “Directly Certified” for eligibility, you must complete a new application each year.
My student receives MediCare/MediCal benefits, are they eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals? Some children who receive MediCare/MediCal may be eligible for benefits, but these students would only appear as Directly Certified and the District will notify you of this status. If you have not been notified, you must complete an application and list your income for eligibility consideration.
For More information & details contact the Food & Nutrition Department at lluther@byron.k12.ca.us or 925-809-7532