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Sneak-a-Peek/Family Picnic

Hello Timber Point Wolf Pack,

Beginning July 17, 2023, you will need to verify your child's current residency information, emergency contact information, acknowledge the Annual Notification of the Rights, Family Handbook, and other required information electronically through the Aeries Parent Portal.

Please follow these steps:

Log into your Aeries Parent portal account https://byronusd.aeries.net/student/LoginParent.aspx  and confirm the data confirmation process. If you forgot password, click on “forgot password” to reset. Aeries Portal Data Confirmation must be completed before July 25th or you will not find out who your child’s teacher is on July 26th. You will receive an email from your teacher the morning of July 26th if the data confirmation is completed.

Data confirmation may not work correctly on a cell phone. Computer/laptop, etc. are preferred devices to complete the process. The Timber Point school office will be open on July 19th & July 20th from 10am-12pm if you would like to use a computer to complete the process at school.

For grades SAI Preschool through 5th, complete the data confirmation, print and bring the emergency card to Sneak-a-Peek/Family Social on July 26th. The emergency card is your ticket on to campus for Sneak-a-Peek. You can give the emergency card to the teacher or to the school office. There will be a box outside the back-office door to put the emergency cards in.

Visit classroom and meet teacher at Sneak-a-Peek from 3:00pm-3:45pm. Family Social from 3:30pm-4:30pm. Philly Cheesesteak & Ike’s Food trucks will be onsite to purchase food, or you can bring your own food/drink.

*Bring own blanket/chairs- No Pets Allowed

*No alcoholic beverages permitted

*Dessert provided by PTA- spirit wear ordering information will be available at PTA table

If you have changed your residential address, which could result in returned mail, please email proof of residency to Lisa Neri at lneri@byron.k12.ca.us as soon as possible.


Welcome Back to School,

Kyle Anderson, Principal